Wednesday 19 January 2011

Day 75

Yahoo! Finally a good day at the beach. We got down there before noon, so the water was still clear and perfect! I henceforth name the Perth exercise regime as such - get to beach, lay down blanket, jump into water, splash about, feel refreshed, lie on beach blanket (or in my case, cover myself with beach blanket - no skin cancer for me!), get toasty warm, jump back into water (in bikinis of course!), repeat the rinse and dry cycle as many times as desired... and then back home for lunch :) Andrea and I also had a try with the $50 coffee machine - well, the machine was ok (as ok as $50 can be), a bit slow, and for first-timer baristas - not bad.. although we left the coffee on for too long, so it came out bitter. Little Nicholas came over to give Justin a hand with adjusting his bike and then Justin, Andrea & Andrea went out for a motorcyle ride along the coast... Mmm Aussie summers.

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Day 74

Another sunny and gorgeous day in Perth - are there any others? Went to Trigg Beach in the afternoon, most of Perth's beaches gets really windy, and the water choppy, in the afternoon that this was the "most" sheltered beach... which wasn't very sheltered. But white sand, clear water FTW! Quick trip to the supermarket for a big Italian dinner by Frederica - but I had to get going to meet up with John and the rest of the Perth crew. It is feeling really good to get out there again - also seeing Perth city in the twilight was rather unreal. The Perth crew are close like family - brothers and sisters training alongside. Today was more social and we moved around to more spots including in front of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) building and other places in the CBD. And what do you know, I got home at the same time as Justin and then we all had this huge lasagne dinner with chocolate cake after. Soooo famished - so today there's only photos of empty plates. The dinner guest list consisted of Aussies, Brazilian, Italians and me! Haha, United Nations are we!

Monday 17 January 2011

Day 73

A slightly mundane day today , but a necessary one. I needed to go to the bank in Perth city, being away for so long means that I have tie up loose ends and as much as I appreciate the security measures that banks employ to keep my money safe, I have to admit that yes, it is a pain and unfortunately it's better for me to get everything done in person.

Justin gave me some grief about "avoiding" his housemate and his ex-girlfriend. A bit harsh considering I have not yet even met either of them, was just really tired last night and he's been telling me that his ex is psycho (but hasn't explained why yet). Plus I have been waiting all weekend to get to the bank...

I'm regretting my decision to spend time with a friend at the moment - yeah ok he's going through some issues, but from what I've finally learnt - I'm not going to judge. Holidays right? Holeeeedddaaaaaayyyyysssss....

But after continuously rejecting dinner (no thanks I have a stomach ache) and then finally accepting a small bowl and I realize: He's offered me beans and pasta... Beans? With a stomach ache?? Sigh. Straight up to the loo after dinner. While I don't expect special treatment (hey, I cleaned his entire house while he was gone), I didn't expect to be given grief over little things.

Even though his ex isn't here, she comes by every night (invited by him or his female flatmate), he checks his phone every 15 minutes and/or calling and/or psychoanalyzing his ex every 15 minutes. "You see, I thought that Sabrina was like.." "Yeah, Sabrina's like that, she does...." "Sabrina said this.." And best of all "Yeah, Sabrina didn't show last night even though she said she would. She just makes plans and breaks them, you know? That's what I like about her. She does what she likes."

Ummm... what? Anyway, before I came, I thought that it'd be nice to just hang out, go to the beach, cook at home, chill out - instead it's turned into "the world revolving around Justin's ex" drama show. I am going to keep myself out of this mess. Really sucks though, I was looking forward to just hanging out. Here's a cool little picture from the alley between the shops at the Hay Street mall in Central Perth.

Sunday 16 January 2011

Day 72

My cousin picked me up today after lunch and we sent the afternoon catching up. Cousin dearest is the main reason for this stop in Perth, he was bitten by a shark a month ago while surfing in Balian, Bali Indonesia. He was lucky that it was a small shark, because he still has his fingers, but his thumb required microsurgery, I think about 30 stitches or more.. and 6 months of rehab. So I wanted to come look in on him and spend some time... now that he is not jetting around the world :p

It was great to see family again, the best part was going to Coco's Restaurant in South Perth. I read a quote, that if a restaurant has a good view then the food does not have to be as good or as special. I think that the strengths of Australian food is simply the quality of its produce. The best produce doesn't need much done to it - so remaining true to that philosophy, I ordered a steak with red wine jus which was so firm, juicy and tender.. ahhhhhh.

That, with a glass of pinot noir meant that I was ready to get a much deserved good night's sleep. My friend Justin would be back tomorrow, so I could have a good night's rest (less than 5 hrs sleep on the plane), recover from the parkour session and leisurely clean up my stuff (bags everywhere!)....

Only thing was, 10 minutes after my family dropped me off - I overheard that he would be back in 10 minutes! Eeek! Sweaty and 100% Australian beef and wine in my bloodstream, I started frantically dragging my bags, picking up random cosmetic bottles and socks strewn around his room and transferring it to the spare room - which had been vacated earlier that day by his ex girlfriend...

..and 2 minutes later he pulled in... whew.

"Hey Shi, why are you looking so frantic?"


Saturday 15 January 2011

Day 71

5am: Pilot's announcing that we are beginning our descent into Perth. Feeling kinda bleary, kinda good. I was really glad that the flight was only 5 hours long because the seats were narrow and hard. I came prepared with a big cushy pillow and my own blanket: Comfort pack costs extra. Welcome to the world of budget air travel...Then the smoothest plane landing ever, which almost made up for the 2 hour queue at Kuala Lumpur's Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT). In such a good mood, yay, I'm finally back in Australia! Feelin' friendly, cheery, joking around with the nice immigration people, I make my way over to the baggage collection area.

Well, since my seat was at the back of the plane, I was the last one out, and at the now stopped and empty luggage carousel, I see only 2 bags left. A red one, not mine.. and another one, 90% identical to mine.

80 anxious minutes later, a flustered Indian girl came back to the airport with my bag. I should be thankful that it wasn't the Indian family who said that they were going to Karlgoolie :P And also that she put on a local phone number, I found out later that my phone number has been disconnected... All this drama even before 9am! Surprisingly the weather was cool and nice and not steaming hot like in the tropics. I'd forgotten how good the weather can get in Australia... blue skies, cool weather and very, very hot sun! (Don't forget to slip on a shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat)

Met up with John, an old friend who's moved to Perth from London, and Fizz who's also from London. John's helping run the Australian Parkour Association classes in Perth and he's said that I can help out in the classes - yay! Meeting up at the main Perth station concourse, we have a bit of a session ourselves before the actual class. It's a nice close group, I meet Fizz (London), Graham and his sister and Matt. The energy is nice, everyone is just moving and trying stuff and the weather is blue-skied, sunny and a cool breeze is blowing. Excellent.

A few hours later, classes are on! Big-ish group, at least 40 people in the year's first class. I'm helping Matt run the first-timers class. The format of the class is simple, we do a warm up: First warming up through a range of motions, the joints: wrists, elbows, knees and neck and then quadrepedal motion, up and down the lawn, crab walks, a kind of "gorilla konging movement" and table-position walking. Then we split up into 2 groups; first-timers and experienced people. We move through different spots and the classes are going well, until a council man comes along and informs us that we are blocking a public ramp, and Matt explains what we're doing, how we're making way for people using the ramp and agrees to move on. I'm sort of easy-going about it (mostly because I'm on holiday, because the council man is like every other council man I've dealt with in work) and also, I think that Matt handled it remarkably: calm and responsible, but his mood has been slightly dampened and he's trying to keep it to himself....

At the end of the session Matt agrees that John has not run this class as tough as he normally does, probably because this is the first session of the year. But it's been a good day.