Monday 17 January 2011

Day 73

A slightly mundane day today , but a necessary one. I needed to go to the bank in Perth city, being away for so long means that I have tie up loose ends and as much as I appreciate the security measures that banks employ to keep my money safe, I have to admit that yes, it is a pain and unfortunately it's better for me to get everything done in person.

Justin gave me some grief about "avoiding" his housemate and his ex-girlfriend. A bit harsh considering I have not yet even met either of them, was just really tired last night and he's been telling me that his ex is psycho (but hasn't explained why yet). Plus I have been waiting all weekend to get to the bank...

I'm regretting my decision to spend time with a friend at the moment - yeah ok he's going through some issues, but from what I've finally learnt - I'm not going to judge. Holidays right? Holeeeedddaaaaaayyyyysssss....

But after continuously rejecting dinner (no thanks I have a stomach ache) and then finally accepting a small bowl and I realize: He's offered me beans and pasta... Beans? With a stomach ache?? Sigh. Straight up to the loo after dinner. While I don't expect special treatment (hey, I cleaned his entire house while he was gone), I didn't expect to be given grief over little things.

Even though his ex isn't here, she comes by every night (invited by him or his female flatmate), he checks his phone every 15 minutes and/or calling and/or psychoanalyzing his ex every 15 minutes. "You see, I thought that Sabrina was like.." "Yeah, Sabrina's like that, she does...." "Sabrina said this.." And best of all "Yeah, Sabrina didn't show last night even though she said she would. She just makes plans and breaks them, you know? That's what I like about her. She does what she likes."

Ummm... what? Anyway, before I came, I thought that it'd be nice to just hang out, go to the beach, cook at home, chill out - instead it's turned into "the world revolving around Justin's ex" drama show. I am going to keep myself out of this mess. Really sucks though, I was looking forward to just hanging out. Here's a cool little picture from the alley between the shops at the Hay Street mall in Central Perth.