Wednesday 19 January 2011

Day 75

Yahoo! Finally a good day at the beach. We got down there before noon, so the water was still clear and perfect! I henceforth name the Perth exercise regime as such - get to beach, lay down blanket, jump into water, splash about, feel refreshed, lie on beach blanket (or in my case, cover myself with beach blanket - no skin cancer for me!), get toasty warm, jump back into water (in bikinis of course!), repeat the rinse and dry cycle as many times as desired... and then back home for lunch :) Andrea and I also had a try with the $50 coffee machine - well, the machine was ok (as ok as $50 can be), a bit slow, and for first-timer baristas - not bad.. although we left the coffee on for too long, so it came out bitter. Little Nicholas came over to give Justin a hand with adjusting his bike and then Justin, Andrea & Andrea went out for a motorcyle ride along the coast... Mmm Aussie summers.

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