Tuesday 18 January 2011

Day 74

Another sunny and gorgeous day in Perth - are there any others? Went to Trigg Beach in the afternoon, most of Perth's beaches gets really windy, and the water choppy, in the afternoon that this was the "most" sheltered beach... which wasn't very sheltered. But white sand, clear water FTW! Quick trip to the supermarket for a big Italian dinner by Frederica - but I had to get going to meet up with John and the rest of the Perth crew. It is feeling really good to get out there again - also seeing Perth city in the twilight was rather unreal. The Perth crew are close like family - brothers and sisters training alongside. Today was more social and we moved around to more spots including in front of the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) building and other places in the CBD. And what do you know, I got home at the same time as Justin and then we all had this huge lasagne dinner with chocolate cake after. Soooo famished - so today there's only photos of empty plates. The dinner guest list consisted of Aussies, Brazilian, Italians and me! Haha, United Nations are we!

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