Sunday 16 January 2011

Day 72

My cousin picked me up today after lunch and we sent the afternoon catching up. Cousin dearest is the main reason for this stop in Perth, he was bitten by a shark a month ago while surfing in Balian, Bali Indonesia. He was lucky that it was a small shark, because he still has his fingers, but his thumb required microsurgery, I think about 30 stitches or more.. and 6 months of rehab. So I wanted to come look in on him and spend some time... now that he is not jetting around the world :p

It was great to see family again, the best part was going to Coco's Restaurant in South Perth. I read a quote, that if a restaurant has a good view then the food does not have to be as good or as special. I think that the strengths of Australian food is simply the quality of its produce. The best produce doesn't need much done to it - so remaining true to that philosophy, I ordered a steak with red wine jus which was so firm, juicy and tender.. ahhhhhh.

That, with a glass of pinot noir meant that I was ready to get a much deserved good night's sleep. My friend Justin would be back tomorrow, so I could have a good night's rest (less than 5 hrs sleep on the plane), recover from the parkour session and leisurely clean up my stuff (bags everywhere!)....

Only thing was, 10 minutes after my family dropped me off - I overheard that he would be back in 10 minutes! Eeek! Sweaty and 100% Australian beef and wine in my bloodstream, I started frantically dragging my bags, picking up random cosmetic bottles and socks strewn around his room and transferring it to the spare room - which had been vacated earlier that day by his ex girlfriend...

..and 2 minutes later he pulled in... whew.

"Hey Shi, why are you looking so frantic?"
