Sunday 24 January 2010

Day 70

Last day in Perth and last day in Australia. Justin was still pretty tired so we just had a swim at the beach. Basically it gets all blown out by the afternoon, so we went in the morning and it was gorgeous as usual. Drove around the city, just catching up with what's changed. King's Park is a lot greener than I remember, I guess they must be switching on the sprinklers although Perth went without rain for 60+ days! The Perth skyline has changed a little - it's good to see more tall buildings, and a few new mid-rise buildings. Not like Sydney, it's all built up, nothing much new to build, I suppose...

And then walked around UWA in the day time. It's just so surreal being back someplace that I've walked around for years, and then left for almost a decade, and then came back again. Everything's the same, but slightly, ever so slightly different. A fresh pasta dinner and an early early wake up tomorrow to catch a 630am flight to Asia.. boooo

Good bye Australia for now...

Saturday 23 January 2010

Day 69

Scarborough beach late in the afternoon today, the wind had really picked up and it was a very different atmosphere from the weekend before! No more calm clear waters, instead it was choppy and we could see dark clouds on the horizon. The wind surfers were having lots of fun though. Later the lightning rolled in and the lifeguards put on the shark siren. Dinner and a long game of Uno later!

Friday 22 January 2010

Day 68

,Caught up with Bek today! Went to see moonlight cinema, such a great french black comedy, Jean-Louise. So unexpected and certainly a lot of laughs..although I screamed at the start when a guy's head got blown off, as I blinked and didn't see the shotgun approaching his head...then his head went off like a watermelon. Ewwwww.. but definitely a great plot!

We brought a little picnic with cheeses, chips, fruit, bought a little apple cider, had a picnic on the grass then when it got dark, movie time! yeah!

Went strolling through the uni grounds after, the uni hasn't changed much since I left, the important parts like Hackett Hall and the Unigym are still the same. I have so many happy memories going into the gym for karate! I'm really bummed that karate is off for the end of the year holidays..and also relieved because my karate is so crap now, I would shame myself and the dojo :(

But pretty happy. Perth is feeling like a warm happy fuzzy place..everyone has been great since I got back!

Wednesday 20 January 2010

Day 66

First time back in Perth city after 10 years away! It's been far too long.. Things have changed, yet haven't changed that much. Portmans and Sportsgirl (retail shops) are still in the same spot, so is Mr. Samurai (japanese restaurant) but the windows are covered up with japanese newspapers. The inside of Myers and David Jones (main department stores) all look nice and new, like they've been redone recently.

And most importantly, a very nice, efficient and fast train service and an underground train station that exits right into the heart of the shopping area! haha..

The weather has been crazy hot the last few days so having an underground train station is just too good, if only to escape the heat. There are a lot more expensive things here! Probably thanks to the mining boom and all the money flowing through..

Such a walk through my memories, I went to the Post Office Building and also a scoop of cookies and cream ice cream from Gelare's! Forrest Chase is still the same (haha)..and I felt like a young student again. It hasn't changed at all, I was a bit worried I'd come back and things would look old and yellow...but it's all still nice and new looking :) Happy :D

Sunday 17 January 2010

Day 63

Kalwant picks me up early in the morning...where is all my stuff? I panic a little because everything is in several different bags, and back in sydney I had to throw stuff in a different bag because my baggage was heavier than 20kg. A bit of a run around later and I get everything sorted seconds before Kalwant pulls up the front. It is yet another hot day, the sun here is even hotter than in Sydney! I can feel my skin sizzling after a while. It's also a very hot day today (and also for the next 3 days), forecasted to be 45 celsius! We are lucky and get a parking spot for the black (!!) car underneath the only shady tree in the parking lot. The beach is packed! But the water is so crisp and refreshing. A bit of dancing, drinks, me nervously driving a stick (manual) car and dinner later, we are all happy, and playing Wii bowling at K's place. A good day out... all of us needed one for a bit I think!

Saturday 16 January 2010

Day 62

Finally the train pulls into the station! The immigration officer comes through the train to collect any fruit, nuts or honey that we have because of strict laws in Western Australia protecting their local crops. While I wait for my bags, I have a bit of a chat with this cool old couple who are travelling around australia. It's been a big journey, it feels like I've travelled and experienced a bit of Australian history. Now it's time for me to explore a bit of my history - the last time I was in Perth was 10 years ago and I was a fresh faced teenager. Get onto a taxi with no hassles, cost less than I expected and am so happy to get to Justin's place. A bit of drama with the front door key but I'm here!

I surprise myself by eating half a packed of spaghetti (2 1/2 times my normal portion) and I am exhausted and dehydrated. Rest.

Friday 15 January 2010

Day 61

Wow look day 61! Looks like this blog lives on..haha..

Early early early day today. The train arrived in Cook, Australia's Ghost town, population 4. Most of the houses, buildings and schools are deserted now, when the trains became privatized. It is HOT. We are starting to feel the australian desert/outback now. Had a bit of a run around, that felt great after being cooped up in a seat for days. To my delight I spot wild brumbies (wild horses) running alongside the tracks. Gorgeous muscular chestnut bodies and flying beautiful. I also spot wild rabbit, sheep and eagles, and I eat even more meat pie. The cafeteria car's air-conditioning is broken and it is a sauna in there!

Much much later, in the evening, we arrive in Kalgoorlie, a gold mining town (not a ghost town). A lot of the mining in Kalgoorlie has fed the growth and boom in Perth city, there is a lot of money to be made in this little country town. Did another town tour and they take us to the "Super pit" (a hole 300m in the ground) and around to the local taverns, hotels and brothels. Everything you'd need in a desert mining town really...

Yet another long night as I try to get comfortable, tomorrow we arrive in Perth and I have lots of luggage to bring to where I'm staying.

Thursday 14 January 2010

Day 60

Wake up at some strange hour.. 530am to be exact, to the sunrise. I woke up 3-4 times last night, getting up and trying not to step on people sleeping under their seats or in the aisles. The train is operating at strange hours now, they asked us to turn back our clocks 30 minutes before we got into bed (or reclining seat) last night. First stop today is at Broken Hill, where we stay for 1-2 hour while the train refuels. There are 2 stands set up on plastic fold out tables, that are run by pensioners, selling what I can only describe as...junk. Trashy romantic novels, jesus statues, handmade magnets - it seems like they've raided their garages and brought everything out to sell to us. As the train leaves, I see them put everything back into the plastic cartons. Next train, 3-4 days. Nothing much in Broken Hill, the cafe I was at was run by a jovial sort of guy, who seems to cater mostly to the international crop of people who stop by on the Indian Pacific train twice a week.

By 3pm we arrive in Adelaide. The countryside outside is surprisingly European/English pastoral. I'm not sure if I've accidentally stumbled back into a browner, drier version of the English countryside. Did a 1 hour coach tour of the place and am further surprised by Adelaide, which looks like an European/German city. The tour explains that the colony in South Australia is the only NON-penal colony, (non-convict colony, all free settlers) and many of them were very rich and a lot of them came from Germany, which explains a lot.

Back on the train again... had a good baguette before I get back on. This time I have someone sitting next to me, so no more leaning over both seats. The train is moving ridiculously slowly (80kmph or slower) because of numerous freight trains on the same tracks.

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Day 59

1st day of day 3 1/2 on the Indian Pacific train that will take me from Sydney, through Adelaide and into Perth Western Australia. The official description is:
"The Indian Pacific gives you two oceans on one of the world's longest and greatest train journeys. But most of your cruising will be across the vast continent of Australia. From the spectacular Blue Mountains to the treeless plains of The Nullarbor desert, where the train travels the world's longest straight stretch of railway track (478 kilometres), see unique landscapes unfold and spot a fascinating array of wildlife from the comfort of the lounge or your cabin. "

I'm not too sure about how "unique" the landscapes will be but it will be a great opportunity to see close up some of the desert I see passing under the plane as we fly over the Australian continent. Check in is not a big hassle, thanks to an angel who has helped drop me at the station (thank you thank you) and I board the train rather hesitantly, not sure what to expect. The shower and bathroom is thankfully very very big, a kind of custom made handicapped/senior citizen friendly bathroom, so it's very spacious and lots of room to move around. It's also very clean with many signs to remind people to lock the door after entering! The seat is a quite cushiony, unfortunately the arm rests in the middle don't lift up, so I end up draping my legs in every possible direction at night. Sleeping in the train is ok..I realize that flashing lights at night and the shifting of the train isn't the best thing for a restful night, but with ear plugs and eye mask it's ok.

The food isn't great , I only expected chicken schnitzel as the best kind of food at the cafeteria car. Unfortunately it's even simpler than that (I realize later it would be a health and safety thing to NOT have hot oil on a moving train) so the choice is meat pie, hot dog, pizza and pre packaged and reheated pasta ($10). Oh, and as much mints and m&ms as you can eat. Ok ok there is some fruit. For $3.50 an apple. A sarcastic hip hip hooray! At least water is free. Actually that would be, cold filtered water. Hot water is $1 a cup. It sinks in how much time I'm spending on board and hope that there are cafes where we make stops. I glumly open a packet of biscuits and munch away...

Settled in, I watch the blue mountains flash past my window and day turn into night...

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Day 58

Last evening in Sydney. It has been ridiculously hot the past few days. It hasn't quite sunk in yet that I'm leaving, but I will be back anyway. One day. Suz cooked delicious noodles.

Friday 8 January 2010

Day 54

Yes it's been a week since I got back from the Gold Coast. It's been a week of mostly coughing, fever, fatigue, packing, selling, throwing and giving away stuff. A girl came to collect our $10 microwave and I ended up giving her all the stuff in our kitchen including cutlery, dishes, knives, tupperware, photo frames...basically stuff that would have ended up in the bin anyway.

This is the last night I'll spend in our little apartment in the eastern suburbs. So after sweating it out the whole day, finally a cleansing dip in the baths. Goodbye coogee. See you later.

ps: Yes, the girl is walking her rabbit.