Saturday 16 January 2010

Day 62

Finally the train pulls into the station! The immigration officer comes through the train to collect any fruit, nuts or honey that we have because of strict laws in Western Australia protecting their local crops. While I wait for my bags, I have a bit of a chat with this cool old couple who are travelling around australia. It's been a big journey, it feels like I've travelled and experienced a bit of Australian history. Now it's time for me to explore a bit of my history - the last time I was in Perth was 10 years ago and I was a fresh faced teenager. Get onto a taxi with no hassles, cost less than I expected and am so happy to get to Justin's place. A bit of drama with the front door key but I'm here!

I surprise myself by eating half a packed of spaghetti (2 1/2 times my normal portion) and I am exhausted and dehydrated. Rest.

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