Sunday 17 January 2010

Day 63

Kalwant picks me up early in the morning...where is all my stuff? I panic a little because everything is in several different bags, and back in sydney I had to throw stuff in a different bag because my baggage was heavier than 20kg. A bit of a run around later and I get everything sorted seconds before Kalwant pulls up the front. It is yet another hot day, the sun here is even hotter than in Sydney! I can feel my skin sizzling after a while. It's also a very hot day today (and also for the next 3 days), forecasted to be 45 celsius! We are lucky and get a parking spot for the black (!!) car underneath the only shady tree in the parking lot. The beach is packed! But the water is so crisp and refreshing. A bit of dancing, drinks, me nervously driving a stick (manual) car and dinner later, we are all happy, and playing Wii bowling at K's place. A good day out... all of us needed one for a bit I think!

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