Thursday 14 January 2010

Day 60

Wake up at some strange hour.. 530am to be exact, to the sunrise. I woke up 3-4 times last night, getting up and trying not to step on people sleeping under their seats or in the aisles. The train is operating at strange hours now, they asked us to turn back our clocks 30 minutes before we got into bed (or reclining seat) last night. First stop today is at Broken Hill, where we stay for 1-2 hour while the train refuels. There are 2 stands set up on plastic fold out tables, that are run by pensioners, selling what I can only describe as...junk. Trashy romantic novels, jesus statues, handmade magnets - it seems like they've raided their garages and brought everything out to sell to us. As the train leaves, I see them put everything back into the plastic cartons. Next train, 3-4 days. Nothing much in Broken Hill, the cafe I was at was run by a jovial sort of guy, who seems to cater mostly to the international crop of people who stop by on the Indian Pacific train twice a week.

By 3pm we arrive in Adelaide. The countryside outside is surprisingly European/English pastoral. I'm not sure if I've accidentally stumbled back into a browner, drier version of the English countryside. Did a 1 hour coach tour of the place and am further surprised by Adelaide, which looks like an European/German city. The tour explains that the colony in South Australia is the only NON-penal colony, (non-convict colony, all free settlers) and many of them were very rich and a lot of them came from Germany, which explains a lot.

Back on the train again... had a good baguette before I get back on. This time I have someone sitting next to me, so no more leaning over both seats. The train is moving ridiculously slowly (80kmph or slower) because of numerous freight trains on the same tracks.

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