Wednesday 25 November 2009

Day 15

Finally made it out to the beach for a short swim. Trying to do laps with a digital camera underwater housing is like swimming with a brick attached to my wrist. Must find something to anchor camera underwater while I swim - or I could just leave it in my bag? Just that there are more weird guys walking around with silly boxer shorts and when I do laps, my bag is the last thing I'm looking at. Guess some people had a big weekend, losers left a used condom at the steps above the pool. Otherwise it was a nice day, a dad pointed out an octopus in it's hole in the pool. As I was standing in the pool I felt little fluttering on my legs, that usually means that some fish have found my legs irresistably delicious. There were small and not at all shark-like, so I thought they were kind of cute (for leg-nibbling fish) and took a photo. Walked back to the beach, it went okay until I put one foot on a slimey rock off the path. So right foot slipped and left foot got lacerated. Realised that half the rock was ok, but the other half was slimey. Didn't notice wound until I walked about 10 steps down the beach and all the sand balled up into the wound and started hurting.

With all the sand in it I couldn't see how deep it was but an off-duty lifesaver that very coincidentally was sitting 2m from me helpfully carried sea water in his goggles to rinse out my wound until I could put my shoe on. Hobbled home and spent ages trying to get sand debris out. Realised it was rather deep and jagged and I could see flesh. Sigh. Will disinfect foot again tomo. Wonder if I can hobble to clovelly tomo? It's only... 6km? Grrr.

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