Sunday 15 November 2009

Day 5

Sculpture by the sea, last day. Woke up really early...waaahhhh too early. I started walking from Coogee to Bondi (Eastern Suburbs Coastal Walk) as it's the best way to see Tamarama to Bondi for the sculptures. I hate cemetaries! Even if they are next to the coastline and one of Sydney's tourist attractions. The coastal boardwalk is done now, it's much better because before we had to walk through the cemetary and came into dead ends and had to go through and over tombstones.

Nippers are so cute! Nippers is a name for kids as young as 5 years who go into a lifesaving program...definitely great way to learn about the ocean. They looked like little birds running all over the beach in matching costumes.

But even though I started at 8am it was already really crowded, so I guess that it would have been worse later on... It was quite good. Some sculptures were rather banal, typical "lets-blow-things-up-to-giant-proportions" sculptures and "funny-curvey-shapey" sculptures, but considering that everything has to be kept family-friendly, it was nice. There was also a large scale Damien Hirst skull, but with metal mesh and covered with recycled plastic bottles, a cynical response about materiality in the art world or an ecological statement? Hmm.. (makes stroking action where imaginary beard should be..) The Bird Man of Bondi has gone now, he was living in a cave for 10 years but he was arrested 2 weeks ago for raping one of the women who was visiting the Sculptures by the Sea (she thought she was going to feed birds at his cave).

Went to the Gertrude and Alice cafe/ 2nd hand bookstore, was really good, they have a good selection of books and good coffee :) Bondi is way too showy for me, everyone there is there to be seen and the men are checking everyone out, in an alpha male kind of way. But it was a nice change..

And went for a dip, the water was great! Definitely bikini temperature :) The best thing about Bondi is definitely the crystal clear water, pity about the inflated egos on land...Boardies are sooooo last season dah-link.

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