Thursday 12 November 2009

Day 2

Yet another sunny day. Was really excited to see more of bluey and snorkel some more before the weekend when everything becomes really busy and crowded. The tide was lower than I'd ever seen it, some parts were actually waist high deep!

I brought some leftover bread for the fishes today, the little fishes really went mad on that. But the groupers took one whiff and decided that it was not to their liking. Today was good, saw 3 regular groupers, 2 brown and 1 big blue, that I found out (through the internet, how else? I don't know how to check a fish's sex) is a male, they kind of hovered about doing fishey things. Sometimes you'd be swimming under the surface and look back and there would be a grouper behind you, like an invisible shadow. Or a shy stalker, who immediately swum off when you turned around.

I had a real face to face experience with big bluey when he came very very close to me and stared me down! It was pretty intimidating being stared head on by a very big fish, you can see how close he came to me in the photo below. Of course to me, he looked 30% closer because underwater, everything appears 30% bigger! He never stared at me like that again afterwards, I guess that he was just asserting his authority the first time.

Soon I noticed 2 guys doing something interesting around big bluey, he was overturning rocks and big bluey would peck on the underside, letting the guy pet him on the body as he did...

The 2nd guy picked up a rock and started crushing sea urchins, exposing the flesh inside. Immediately a cloud of small fishes that follow big bluey around started eating, followed by big bluey, who occasionally chased away other big groupers who came too close. I got to pet bluey a few times, who was both slimey and a fish! haha..

It was a great day out...Now clouds are rolling over the horizon and thunderstorms on the horizon.. Now where's my chocolate chip ice cream? mmm

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