Friday 4 December 2009

Day 24

Got really really excited to go jump off the rocks today..and then realised the tide was so low that it exposed all the rocks around the pool. Later found out the water was thigh high. Not good to do flips into...

But water was at its lowest point, so decided to walk around the giant rocks bordering the pool since they were all exposed. Halfway around, I could hear some tourists laughing at me because they couldn't figure out how I'd get back. Unfortunately because it was only me and 3 of them, I could clearly hear them, which disrupted the serenity of the place.

Anyway made it all the way around, the last part I just walked into the water since it was only thigh high. Swimming was difficult as certain parts were only 6 inches deep! Next time I'm going during high tide :p High noon.

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