Sunday 20 December 2009

Day 36

Carols in coogee on the last weekend of christmas. It was packed full of families. Also a disproportionate number of teenagers looking to be seen. Funny that. I remember carols in london being a lot more family-orientated and less a pickup zone for teenagers. Or perhaps it's just too cold during christmas in London to bare any flesh or hold a smile aside from a grimace from the cold.

If you got there late, there wasn't anywhere to sit. There were also quite a few latecomer families with strollers who were leaving. But if you bagged a spot on the green, it was nice with picnic blankets, cocktails and people of all ages. Was noticing how the kids in sydney just run around and race and jump around on everything. Out of a full beach of kids, only 2 were in white dresses and practising their candle-holding poses like little ladies. The other 50-100 kids were racing each other, jumping off head-high walls (yes, really), climbing walls. Ah, these active aussie kids.

I am starting to notice a stereotype of the male couple backpackers. More bro and no homo, these european males travel in pairs for safety and company. Generally in Australia to get away from the expensive, cold and crowded confines of europe, they drink themselves silly, spending more on one night out and a greasy breakfast the next day than they would on their total apartment furniture. Normally reeking of alcohol and hungover on saturday and sunday mornings, the strong australian sun usually makes them turn bright pink when they doze through a whole day of UV rays without sunblock.

Unfortunately I've come into contact with these species recently because I've had to sell my furniture on gumtree. On 1 weekend, they will have spent more on alcohol than the amount that I'm asking for the rest of my furniture. FACT.

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