Thursday 31 December 2009

Day 46

Drove to Byron Bay today, it's a bit of a ritual for me when I'm in this part of the coast. Bad traffic going in as usual although this eased towards noon. Byron Bay is one of those places that are both overhyped and yet still charming despite the hype. It used to be a hippie town, now it's more of a chain store and double macchiatto organic soy yuppie hangout..with prices to suit. Despite that it's still a really beautiful place, with great beaches and a cool lighthouse that costs $5 to park :(

I have fond memories of surfing with dolphins here, but since I've returned twice I've barely had time to surf, much less time to spend waiting for dolphins to come by. Got back to Tweed in the sauna car, air con not working - but I'm glad I had a car that works! We left the house later than the guys who left in the evening, had some dinner before which turned out to be a good idea, as everyone was already trashed when we arrived, with no food in sight except for a bag of chips.

One of the Singaporean girls decided to lose her clothes and walk around all night in her bikini, after taking in half a bottle of Jagermeister, fainting and puking on the lawn. Everyone there really treated her well though, helping carry her, covering her up and asking her to put her clothes back on (she didn't want to). Big thumbs up. The rest of us ended up on the sand dunes outside the flat, watching Queensland and NSW celebrate the new year each ( 1 hour time difference ). The moon was so bright, it was surreal! I remember that movie Point Break where they went surfing in the moonlight...definitely possible! Unfortunately the wind didn't help and made my cold worse, I was coughing badly by the time we left.

Next morning at 6am Sid woke me up with a request to pick him up... Didn't want to leave him out there trashed so went. Ended up dropping him at Dan & Kristie's place so that he could continue partying. Got stopped in police check, of course tested zero :p I didn't even take cough medicine..although I should. I don't feel so good...

Happy new year!

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