Thursday 24 December 2009

Day 40

Michaela took us to this amazing secret rockpool and waterfall! It's a fair bit inland and is so different from the glitz of the gold coast stretch. Had such a good time. Trekked through the forest and through water until arriving at the rock pool. Jumped off the waterfall, had to curl up legs but still touched the bottom. Lin did a huge cannonball off the top! Big splash and her thighs are still red today, haha..

Felt so blissed out afterwards. Irony was that before the trek I was going on and on about leeches and Michaela went " There are no leeches, don't worry "... Just as we were almost out of the forest, I got a leech on my leg. I proceeded to slap the little sucker silly (but it still wouldn't let go!) while crying out for Michaela (I blame my childhood memories of my scoutmaster telling us horrible stories of leeches). Lin and M of course were really freaked out, thinking it was a poisonous spider... No, just a panicked asian slapping the heck out of a stupid leech on her foot :p M flicked it off with my flip flop. No blood and no scar. Haha, a little drama to the end of what was a really great day!

Happy :)

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