Thursday 10 December 2009

Day 29

Went to Adriano Zumbo cafe, the man is a God! Droooool. I had the "Weekend in the Cross" Pistachio pâté sucree, rose brûlée, rhubarb compote, fresh watermelon, raspberries, watermelon sugar sachet, and Lin had "Your Frund un the Frudge...Toasted!" Caramelised puff pastry, toast mousse, tomato jelly & melted cheese crémeux.. obviously a play on the tomato cheese sandwich, that tasted...perfect. Just firm and then light and melted away in the mouth, nothing like a cheese sandwich. mmmm

I would have helped her finish it, but was far too involved in bringing back my childhood in the flavoured sugar sachet and black sesame macaroon. Best of all, got to meet the man in person when he dropped into the shop to check everything out! Hee hee, I was raving about his place to Lin since she arrived and insisted that she go there asap. I love the cheeky names of the food, the actual food, the presentation..what's not to love ;)

Had a good rest of the day, Queen Victoria Building is feeling very European and Christmassy. Loved the Swarovski christmas tree, and lots of cute little girls in ballerina dresses and skirts because they had just been to watch Angelina Ballerina.

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