Monday 7 December 2009

Day 26

I wondered when it would happen when I'd forget to put the battery back in the camera..well it happened today. Trust me when I say that it was the same beautiful weather as yesterday. Unfortunately even though it was a monday, it was still really packed with tourists and school kids. Even more unfortunately, I didn't manage to get there early enough to catch the high tide, but tide was still high enough to jump off the rocks and then the tide was low enough for me to graze my knee on the last jump. Which incidentally was the most straightforward as I just took a giant step backwards, and put my knee on a rock underwater....ironic. But yes, blue skies, sun, happy kids, good times. Water was pretty cold, no change from the last few weeks but difference was that I wasn't swimming around like the last few times. Was shivering like a little puppy afterwards.

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