Sunday 13 December 2009

Day 30 Edit

I was too tired and hot from walking around all day in Manly so didn't put in lots into the last post. It was a good day, woke up later than expected, lazed around so ended up at Circular Quay to take the ferry at noon. So of course it was crowded...

Lots of tourists have arrived in sydney for the holidays. And of course the teenaged girls in their tiny bikinis and tons of makeup. Enjoy it while it lasts, before your breasts head down south and the junk food you've been eating every day ends up on your hips... Youth is wasted on the young they say, but we all need to make the stupid mistakes we make when we are young. Assuming that we learn from the mistakes and not descend into gentle, early senility. Haha..

Went to a birthday bbq at a local's beach. Lots of jumping off a pier-like structure and swimming in the water. The weather was perfect. The water wasn't tropical warm but refreshing in the hot weather.

Ice cream at Copenhagen Ice cream on the way back. Of course, had to overload on the complimentary hot fudge and caramel dispensers..and the nuts and chocolate and rainbow sprinkles. My icecream might have been more topping than ice cream...

Watched daring sea gulls fly gracefully above our heads at the beach, playing with the strong air currents.Also hoped that they didn't decide to "download" on us. Walked past group after group of Santas.

Ferry home in the sunset with the best views of the sydney skyline.

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